Eggs have been through some hard times over the past few decades. Since the 1960s, a focus on lowering dietary cholesterol in the US Dietary Guidelines has seen eggs - and particularly their yolks - be demonised, with the American Heart Association recommending in 1961 that people keep their total cholesterol consumption to 300 milligrams per day, which you'd be exceeding instantly by eating just two yolks worth 200 mg each.

But earlier this year, the official guidelines were revised, and dietary cholesterol is no longer considered a "nutrient of concern". So now that the government has caught up, what does science say about eggs?

As the Business Insider video above explains, eggs are packed with protein, and studies have shown that they can help with weight loss, increase your muscle mass, and lower your blood pressure.

They also contain all of the essential amino acids the human body needs, and a recent study found that pairing eggs with salads can significantly improve the absorption of nutrients contained in raw vegetables.

Eggs have been found to lower your risk of heart disease and stroke because they're high in what's known as HDL cholesterol - nicknamed the 'good' cholesterol.

Research had found that reducing 'bad' low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and increasing 'good' high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is important for our overall health, because while excess LDL cholesterol ends up in the bloodstream, and from there it can enter your blood vessel walls and start building up under the vessel lining, HDL cholesterol actually picks up excess cholesterol in your blood and takes it back to your liver to be broken down.

"The higher your HDL level, the less 'bad' cholesterol you'll have in your blood," the Mayo Clinic website explains.

And guess what? A single egg contains nearly half the recommended daily intake of HDL cholesterol. 

Eggs also contain choline, and the video above explains that this is used to build cell membranes and signalling molecules that are used in the brain. Just one egg contains 100 mg of choline, which is about a fifth of the daily recommended intake for men, and a quarter for women.

They can even contribute to your overall eye health, because the antioxidants you get from eating eggs can lower your risk of getting cataracts and macular degeneration, and they give you a healthy dose of vitamin A - the deficiency of which is the most common cause of blindness in the world. 

So don't be afraid of eggs - they're an incredibly easy way to pack a whole lot of essential nutrients into your diet. As with everything in life, moderation is key, so don't go overboard, but as we learnt earlier this year with salt, it can be pointless and even detrimental to demonise a particular food. Just don't force me to eat them first thing in the morning, okay?