It seems that every millennial's dream has come true - people are paying other people to eat avocados.

Loma Linda University (LLU), Penn State University, Tufts University, and the University of California, Los Angeles are each recruiting 250 test subjects to eat avocados for research purposes.

"The study will examine whether eating one avocado per day reduces visceral adipose fat in the abdomen," Joan Sabaté, who directs the Center for Nutrition, Lifestyle and Disease Prevention at LLU, said.

The hypothesis being tested is that avocados might actually help people lose belly fat and promote weight loss.

In order to qualify for the study, participants must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be 25 years of age or older
  2. Be willing to either eat one avocado per day for six months, or eat only two avocados per month for the same period
  3. Measure at least 40 inches around the waist if they are male, or…
  4. Measure at least 35 inches around the waist if they are female.

Participants will be split into a test group and a control group.

The test group will be given 16 avocados every two weeks and required to eat one avocado per day throughout the six-month study, while the control group will be required to eat no more than two avocados per month during the same period.

Those being studied will receive a free health screening from LLU clinicians and US$300 in compensation.

Don't worry about missing out if you're part of the control group, though, as you'll also receive 24 avocados to enjoy after the study is completed.

The study is being sponsored by the Hass Avocado Board, a detail that Sabaté says will not affect the findings of the research.

"For the last 20 years, we have been doing dietary intervention studies on plant-based foods and nuts," Sabaté said. "We are rigorous in our selection of projects."

If you think you're up to the task, you can sign up for the study here.

This article was originally published by Business Insider.

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