Why is chicken soup so good for our souls health? It's not just an old wives' remedy that leans more on nostalgia than anything else - there's evidence to suggest that the ingredients actually decrease inflammation and congestion, which are often two of the most debilitating symptoms of the common cold.

But does it work for other ailments too? We've all heard the saying, 'Feed a cold, starve a fever,' so, does that mean no soup when our body temperatures are skyrocketing? Well, the saying is actually only half-true, says AsapSCIENCE, because starving a fever isn't going to do you any favours.

In both cases, you're going to have to stock up on nutrient-rich food, such as kale, nuts, and blueberries, because these give your body the extra energy it needs to heal itself, and increase the production of gamma interferon - which is essential for your immunity against both viral and bacteria infections. 

Okay fine, an apple has nutrients, and they say 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away,' so can I just stock up on apples when I'm sick? Kind of, says AsapSCIENCE, but just don't go overboard, because while there's evidence to suggest that apples may help ward off diseases such as cancer and coronary heart disease, and give you a good amount of vitamin C, there's none to suggest that they can do anything for your common cold.

Speaking of vitamin C, that's got to be good for a cold, right? According to the episode above, whether you're getting it from vitamin tables or actual food, vitamin C won't reduce the instances of you getting a cold, but there's a good chance it will reduce the life of the cold. "This may be due to the increased growth in T cells, which are white blood cells involved in your immune response, as well as an increased production of interferon, which causes virus-infected cells to ramp up their anti-viral defences."

The guys at AsapSCIENCE have a bunch more handy tips in their latest video, grab a cup of chicken soup and settle in for the rest. Go ahead, we'll fill up the hot water bottles.  

Source: AsapSCIENCE