Eating is awesome. Going to a great restaurant and eating amazing food is awesome. But sometimes having to find time to feed ourselves - and young children, if you have them - several times a day can be a chore. Wouldn't it be great if we could sometimes just have the most massive meal, and we'd be done with eating for at least three months afterwards?

An olive python (Liasis olivaceus) in the Northern Territory has done just that, according to these photos taken earlier this week by Paul O'Neill, a ranger at the Nitmiluk National Park near Katherine, about 320 kilometres south of Darwin.

According to James Dunlevie at ABC News, it will take the snake at least a week to fully digest the unfortunate wallaby, but it will enjoy several months of satisfaction for its efforts.

Dunlevie spoke to Greg Smith from the Territory Wildlife Park who said the ambitious olive python very nearly had eyes bigger than its (admittedly very stretchy) stomach. "That is about the biggest prey it could eat," he told ABC News. "That wallaby would take about five to seven days to digest completely and the snake would go and hide for at least a month. The snake is of medium build and would probably start to hunt for more tucker within four to eight weeks, depending on the snake."

happy-snakeCredit: Paul O'Neill/NT Parks and Wildlife)

Head to Dunlevie's article to see more images of a very happy snake.

Source: ABC News